Promotions Team
The focus of the Promotions Team is to take information about the RCLC Outreach Programs and make it available to the congregation and the community.
Did you know, if you are a member or regular attendee of Risen Christ Lutheran Church, you are already a part of the Promotions Team?
The Promotions Team promotes the church activities and ministries with a focus on websites, such as the RCLC website, Facebook page, and Nextdoor.com. The Promotions Team is a liaison between Pastor, all ministry teams, and the congregation.
The team also works to encourage those in our community to visit Risen Christ Lutheran Church.
If you have questions, please contact the church office at (937) 323-3688 for more information.
December 6, 2022
2024: Goals
1. Increase use of social media to promote RCLC and RCLS events (Facebook, NextDoor site, websites)
2. Assist with communication between church teams
3. Aid Church, Ministry Teams and School in publishing events and integrating information on the websites
4. Coordinate Sunday morning Greeters
2023: Accomplished
– We have a volunteer to be Promotions Team Leader – Brenda Montecalvo·
– A team formed to oversee the content for the web pages, Facebook and YouTube videos are up-to-date. For now this team will meet monthly, addressing changes, updates needed, modifications, etc. .